Dreams and Goals with Soul with Donna McCallum

A 5-week Online Experience to access your authentic goals that inspire and move you to live your best life.

You have a deep-knowing that there is something more for you. 

 Your soul longs for you to give your gifts and fullest expression to the world.
You want to feel fulfilled, inspired and purposeful.
You want to be a flourishing, abundant, best-possible you.

Yet, you are not 100% sure what it is, how to make it happen or how to get from where you are now into living this life you dream of. 

You have a deep-knowing that there is something more for you. 

 Your soul longs for you to give your gifts and fullest expression to the world.
You want to feel fulfilled, inspired and purposeful.
You want to be a flourishing, abundant, best-possible you.

Yet, you are not 100% sure what it is, how to make it happen or how to get from where you are now into living this life you dream of. 
  You may have had tiny glimpses or wisps of ideas but generally you feel pretty stuck where you are right now and you often think – “is this it?”, “is this what life is really all about?”

  You have a dream that persistently tugs at you and won’t go away. You are just not sure what steps to take to turn it into reality.  
So you keep putting it off or you keep coming up with excuses about why now is not the right time. You procrastinate. Or you are scared - that’s so NORMAL!

  You have crystal-clear clarity on your Dreams and Goals but you just can’t seem to manifest them. You simply got stuck somewhere on the journey. It feels hard. It feels like a real struggle.  
  You may have had tiny glimpses or wisps of ideas but generally you feel pretty stuck where you are right now and you often think – “is this it?”, “is this what life is really all about?”

  You have a dream that persistently tugs at you and won’t go away. You are just not sure what steps to take to turn it into reality.  
So you keep putting it off or you keep coming up with excuses about why now is not the right time. You procrastinate. Or you are scared - that’s so NORMAL!

  You have crystal-clear clarity on your Dreams and Goals but you just can’t seem to manifest them. You simply got stuck somewhere on the journey. It feels hard. It feels like a real struggle.  

If any of these feels like you... and you truly wish to Get Clarity on your Dreams, and learn the steps to help you manifest your Goals in a way that is magical, joyous and delightful… You’re in the right place.

In Argentina in 2005, I had a spark of inspiration. A pure Dream & Goal from the Soul planted itself like a seed into my being. It was an experience that changed my life forever.

I had a clear vision that my purpose was to be a Fairy Godmother and to help people, like you, realise the power, magic and beauty of their dreams and to create extraordinary lives that they love.

When this Fairy Godmother Vision flashed in front of me it felt crazy, it felt bizarre, it felt so different to anything I had ever done or thought before, but it also felt so right.

Despite numerous fears, a whole heap of self-doubt and my friends and family telling me I was “crazy” to go from successful marketing entrepreneur to becoming a Fairy Godmother, I did it anyway.

Back then I had no idea how it was going to work or how I was going to make money or pay the bills. I didn’t even know what being a Fairy Godmother meant… what would I actually do in reality?

Through this journey, I realised that with a Goal that is driven by Soul, you don’t need to know “how” it is going to work. Instead, you simply say YES, show up and allow the momentum of the Divine to guide you.
In Argentina in 2005, I had a spark of inspiration. A pure Dream & Goal from the Soul planted itself like a seed into my being. It was an experience that changed my life forever.

I had a clear vision that my purpose was to be a Fairy Godmother and to help people, like you, realise the power, magic and beauty of their dreams and to create extraordinary lives that they love.

When this Fairy Godmother Vision flashed in front of me it felt crazy, it felt bizarre, it felt so different to anything I had ever done or thought before, but it also felt so right.

Despite numerous fears, a whole heap of self-doubt and my friends and family telling me I was “crazy” to go from successful marketing entrepreneur to becoming a Fairy Godmother, I did it anyway.

Back then I had no idea how it was going to work or how I was going to make money or pay the bills. I didn’t even know what being a Fairy Godmother meant… what would I actually do in reality?

Through this journey, I realised that with a Goal that is driven by Soul, you don’t need to know “how” it is going to work. Instead, you simply say YES, show up and allow the momentum of the Divine to guide you.

Fast Forward until Now…

Since 2005, I have helped over 17,000 people in 45 countries around the world. I have done workshops, seminars, retreats and online programs to help people get clear on their dreams, goals and vision for their lives and how to make it happen and live their best life.

I was known for a long time as the Fairy Godmother (and yes, I did wear wings and wave a wand)... and now, I'm just me, Donna McCallum.

And because I’ve done this work for almost 2 decades, so many of the people who have “dreamed” with me are now living their dreams and proving that you can truly create a life you love. No matter what your starting point or current situation (you’ll see a few of their stories on this page).

You need Clear Soul Inspiration + Practical Daily Tools + Ease, Faith & Trust. 

That’s the system of Manifesting that I’ve been teaching for almost 20 years.
As I have taught others, I've learned more and more in my quest to become a Master Manifester.

There have been times that I got it spectacularly right. And there have been times I got so stuck in the gristle-and-grind of “reality”, that I forgot about my amazing manifesting powers.

It is these “tough” times that have allowed me to hone a system that really works.

So many of my own dreams have come true – from writing a best-selling book; to doing workshops in 7 different countries; meeting and falling deeply in love with my soul mate, surfing in the mornings, living a year-round summer, travelling to 41 countries, becoming a first-time mom (naturally) at the age of 44 and, and, and…

And I have a few of my next-level dreams and goals bubbling and boiling on the Universal stove…
As I have taught others, I've learned more and more in my quest to become a Master Manifester.

There have been times that I got it spectacularly right. And there have been times I got so stuck in the gristle-and-grind of “reality”, that I forgot about my amazing manifesting powers.

It is these “tough” times that have allowed me to hone a system that really works.

So many of my own dreams have come true – from writing a best-selling book; to doing workshops in 7 different countries; meeting and falling deeply in love with my soul mate, surfing in the mornings, living a year-round summer, travelling to 41 countries, becoming a first-time mom (naturally) at the age of 44 and, and, and…

And I have a few of my next-level dreams and goals bubbling and boiling on the Universal stove…

Join us to Get Clear on your
Authentic Dreams & Goals and have the
Practical Tools to turn them into reality in a way that is expansive, enjoyable and fun.


Join us to Get Clear on your Authentic Dreams & Goals and have the Practical Tools to turn them into reality in a way that is expansive, enjoyable and fun.

“My life has done a complete 180 in the past 2 years since doing this program.

I'm no longer broke. I do a job I love. I work with women all around the world. And did I mention that the weight has just fallen off? It doesn't get better than this!“

- Mary Ann Hamilton Illing

"Thank you for everything - inspiring me, encouraging me and equipping me with the most beneficial tools for me to grow into my future self; I can't wait to meet her! ;-)

This is the beginning of a beautiful journey, rich in revelation and self-realisation."

- Mpho Molotlegi

“A year ago when I started this program, I felt held back, scared to receive and my dreams seemed highly unlikely.

Where I stand today (with many blessed challenges) is total belief, a knowingness and evidence that my dreams are unfolding. It is all really happening! Thank you.”

- Anri van Rooyen

In my work, these are the 6 top Dream Killers:

How is my dream ever going to pay the bills?
I can’t find the time for me and my dreams?
I’m too busy helping everyone else in my life.
Help! I don’t even know what my Dreams and Goals Are?
I’m afraid I’m going to Fail!
Things are not turning out like I expected.
It’s not working.
I’m giving up!
Am I really worthy of living my best, most amazing life?

Any Sound Familiar?

Dreams & Goals with Soul
is a Gift from YOU to YOU

Dreams & Goals with Soul is a Gift from YOU to YOU

During the 5-Week Dreams & Goals with Soul Program, you will be guided by me to:

Connect to Inspiration

 Make time to connect and listen to your Divine Inspiration. 
Create a juicy, wild and awesome Goal from Soul that touches, moves and inspires you deeply. 

Unleash your Creative Energy

 Feel the thrill of energy moving through you as you discover and uncover your Soul’s deep longing. 
Learn how to infuse your everyday with this energy and enthusiasm that has been unleashed by this process. 

Daily Practices

 Implement the simple, daily practices to keep connecting to your goal, so that it creates momentum to move you forward. 
Learn the tools to relax and enjoy the journey of your goals unfolding (even though you may be impatient and want it to happen NOW!) 

Release your Resistance

 Release the blocks that are stopping you from creating what you really want. 
Use your Emotions as a clever compass to guide you as to whether you are attracting or repelling what you want. 

Faith and Trust

 Build your “Faith and Trust muscle” in a way that provides a safe container for your goals to manifest. 

Build support

 Experience the support of others who are also on the journey of remembering their authentic selves. 

Have Fun

 Remember how light, fun and enjoyable this “game” of manifesting your dreams really is! 

So many Dreams have come true with Donna's guidance!
Here are a few…

Marnita Opperman

Lost 40kgs, left corporate life and started her own business.  

Ingrid Irsigler   

From depressed designer to award-winning, global, fashion photographer with her dream, beach cottage.  

Faith Mashele   

Attended Harvard - a dream come true! 

Darren MacDonald  

From corporate life to starting 2 adventure companies and climbing mountains like Everest. 

Aneeka Moosa

Travelled to the Blue Mosque. And has started an NGO to give back.

Isabella Daly  

After going through a tumultuous divorce, Isabella manifested the love of her life & married him.

Louis Bolton  

Dream come true, being an award-winning, documentary film-maker.  

Charmain Lines

Wrote 2 Books. Travelled for 6 months in Europe. Did a world-class cooking experience. Bought a dream apartment in Spain. Wow!

Tracy Winde

From being a full-time mom to starting her own travel company & having lunch with the Dalai Lama.  

Yashmita Bhana

A new entrepreneur with a big goal. 5 years later she was awarded Business Woman of the Year.

Michelle Thomas  

From Johannesburg mother to owner of a beautiful retreat Centre in Portugal.  

Gosia Miller

Manifested beautiful twin girls. A dream come true!

Join OVER 17,000 people in 45 countries have been inspired by Donna and are igniting their Dreams and Goals with Soul.

Join OVER 17,000 people in 45 countries have been inspired by Donna and are igniting their Dreams and Goals with Soul.

Manifesting your Dreams and Goals is:

Your Creativity, Intentions and Dreams.
Practical daily tools & habits to Align Body-Mind-Soul.
With Ease, Faith & Trust.

Manifesting your Dreams and Goals is:

Your Creativity, Intentions and Dreams.
Practical daily tools & habits to Align Body-Mind-Soul.
With Ease, Faith & Trust.

Manifesting is not some woo-woo, new-age stuff. It is real and it works

I know because I have seen thousands of my clients create amazing lives because of the system of manifestation that I teach.

You may find your attempts at manifesting are hit-and-miss. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. That’s probably because you don’t know the System of Manifesting

It’s normal. Most people don’t, they know about the “Law of Attraction” and they hope that if they visualize or affirm something enough, it will happen. And when it doesn’t, they get upset and give up or they try harder with lacklustre results.  

In this Dreams and Goals with Soul program,
you'll learn:

Connecting into your Soul and Divine connection to create authentic Goals that touch, move and inspire you.  
The practical, logical way it actually works (to satisfy your left-brain)
Creating out of Ease and Receptivity rather than being in Stress and Struggle to make your goals happen.

Connecting to Faith and Trust to allow the unfolding of your Goal into reality rather than pushing or forcing it to happen

Every Week for 5 Weeks you will receive a Module from me via email, which will include:

5 x Weekly Modules to Read

Every week, you will receive a written module via email. This contains the detailed weekly content for you to read.

Weekly Exercises 

Every week, there will be exercises for you to APPLY into your life.  This program is super practical. So you can begin experiencing the results quickly.

Videos to Watch

There are a number of Videos to Watch of me teaching you KEY concepts, tips, tricks and magic.

Meditations to help shift your Blocks

Working on the mental, emotional and spiritual level is as important as working in physical reality and these meditations provide amazing support to your Dreams & Goals process.

Private Facebook Community

Here, you will feedback on your weekly exercises and receive support and advice from other people on the program. Plus you will get my coaching and advice.

Audios to Listen to

Every week there will be an Audio that you will be able to download and listen to (while you are driving or jogging on the treadmill) to keep connecting you to the content. 

Every Week for 5 Weeks you will receive a Module from me via email, which will include:

5 x Weekly Modules to Read

Every week, you will receive a written module via email. This contains the detailed weekly content for you to read.

Weekly Exercises 

Every week, there will be exercises for you to APPLY into your life.  This program is super practical. So you can begin experiencing the results quickly.

Videos to Watch

There are a number of Videos to Watch of me teaching you KEY concepts, tips, tricks and magic.

Meditations to help shift your Blocks

Working on the mental, emotional and spiritual level is as important as working in physical reality and these meditations provide amazing support to your Dreams & Goals process.

Private Facebook Community

Here, you will feedback on your weekly exercises and receive support and advice from other people on the program. Plus you will get my coaching and advice.

Audios to Listen to

Every week there will be an Audio that you will be able to download and listen to (while you are driving or jogging on the treadmill) to keep connecting you to the content. 
This 4-step alignment process will get you into a higher vibration before you create your new Dream & Goal.

It is about clearing out and lovingly,
letting go of the old “stuff” that has kept you stuck in the past, so that you can create from a blank page, a clean slate. We do this process over the first week to bring in freshness and create the opening of new potential and possibilities for you. 
This is a week of connecting to Soul. Getting Inspired. Flowing your Ideas. Imagining. Dreaming. And allowing your Goal with Soul to emerge naturally and organically out of this process.

It is fun, light, juicy and creative. You’ll cut, paste, play and create a Dream Map (or Vision Board). You’ll connect at a soul level to your Goal with Soul. You’ll understand your deeper purpose behind your Goal. You’ll distil the “essence” of your dreams to help you manifest them into reality in a way that is filled with ease and joy.

You’ll also learn the difference between “Visualisation” and “Visioning” and why one is way more powerful than the other.
In this module you’ll discover the System of Manifesting – the practical, logical way it actually works to satisfy your Left-Brain.

You’ll learn the 3 Practical Steps to Manifesting and what you need to do daily to help your Goal with Soul unfold in a way that is joyful and fun rather than filled with seriousness and struggle.

You’ll understand the importance of Receptivity – being open to all possibilities, even if it doesn’t happen as you expect it to. There will be an exercise to increase your allowing and ability to receive.
In this Module, you’ll understand why it is so important to Trust and Surrender (especially when you want something so badly).

You’ll learn how to exercise your Faith muscle so that when you experience self-doubt, self-sabotage or fear you can overcome it.

You’ll perfect the art of Letting Go ( because clinging and desperation pushes stuff away.)

You’ll have the tools to get over “stuckness”, self-doubt and fears that may happen along the way and keep connecting to ease rather than being in the “struggle”.

In week 5 you’ll connect to the 4 Emotions that Amplify your Attraction.  

You’ll experience using the Essence of your Goal to keep you in High Vibration, no matter what is happening in your “reality”.  

You will heighten your Energy Awareness to stay on the path of manifesting more easily and consistently.  

We will focus on building support for your journey. And you’ll learn to enjoy and celebrate at all times along the way.  

 Join Dreams & Goals with Soul TODAY and you’ll get over $399 worth of bonuses. 

4 x live 90minute webinars  
Value: $200
Four LIVE Webinars with me, where I'll coach you to get into crystal clarity on your Goals with Soul.

I’ll answer all your questions, coach you on your specific life circumstances and take you through energy work and clearing processes where needed.
Out of Fear into Fabulousness Program
Value: $199   
Those pesky fears that make us want to give up on our dreams and goals can appear at any time.
With this 21-day program, you’ll be empowered with 15 tools to shift you out of your Fear and into your Fabulousness.

This is the perfect program to do after you are clear on your Dreams & Goals with Soul.
Life-Time Access to the Private Dreams & Goals with Soul Facebook Group and Community  
Value: Priceless
I know that the journey to living your dreams is longer than 5 weeks and so with this bonus, you get Lifetime access to the Private Dreams & Goals with Soul Facebook Group.

When we run future Dreams & Goals with Soul courses you will be able to follow along, review and update your goals progress, get my coaching and stay inspired on your journey to create your best life.

The next Dreams & Goals with Soul Program is running in February 2025.


 Tuesday 4 February 2025.

The next Dreams & Goals with Soul Program is running in February 2025.


 Tuesday 4 February 2025.

Your Investment

Most Flexible

Best Value

Enrolment Closes on Tuesday 4 February 2025 at 5pm UK.

  • -
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 Your Investment

Most Flexible

3 Monthly Payments of

R1555  /  $155

Best Value

1 Payment of

R4444  /  $444

Enrolment Closes on Tuesday 4 February 2025 at 5pm UK.

  • -
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This program is LIVE.  It is not simply some packaged content for you to digest and go through on your own.

You will be supported by me, Donna McCallum, and the community of other Daring Dreamrs who are embarking on this process of manifesting their full potential and living their best life too.

 I will coach you and answer your questions on the Facebook group AND on the LIVE Webinars. 
 All of my programs are multi-dimensional.  We are holistic beings – Mind, Body and Soul - and your ability to manifest your dreams and goals with ease is a result of the alignment of your thoughts, emotions and spirituality.

For this reason, this program is designed to work at ALL levels.

To ensure you learn to manifest your goals SUSTAINABLY, I will teach you the tools to clear the blocks at all levels.   

Imagine the Purpose, Fulfilment and Joy you would feel

Imagine the Purpose, Fulfilment and Joy you would feel

Imagine having a Vision for your Life. Knowing how to direct your life energy and life force in a way that serves your highest purpose and your highest joy.

Imagine feeling your Soul singing with delight as you move towards what you are truly meant to do, be and have.

Imagine waking up filled with energy, excitement and inspiration about your day ahead.  Where your weekdays become more vibrant than your weekends.

You are living life to the full.  Making steady progress.  You feel like you are moving forward.   You are learning to really love yourself enough to live your best life.

The feeling of stuckness, struggle and hopelessness about the future disappears.

In those moments when you do feel down or fearful or anxious… you have the tools to work with your emotions and turn them into the fertiliser to help you grow into your dreams and goals.

You are deeply appreciative of all you have.  You are enjoying your life journey day by day and creating a future that inspires you and others around you.

You are connecting to other people, like you, who are committed to living their best, fullest expressions of themselves.

You can’t believe how different your life feels.

The only way your life will shift, is if you commit time to YOU and take action!

Your Investment

Most Flexible

Best Value

Enrolment Closes on Tuesday 4 February 2025 at 5pm UK.

  • -
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  • -
  • -

Your Investment

Most Flexible

3 Monthly Payments of

R1555  /  $155

Best Value

1 Payment of

R4444  /  $444

Enrolment Closes on Tuesday 4 February 2025 at 5pm UK.

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“Thank you for your inspiration and magic you bring into all of our lives.

Thanks to you I am living my dream life, I am my own boss and have a brand new, fabulous home and jewellery studio.

You are amazing and I hope you have a fabulous year filled with magic and joy.”

- Gina Prins 

“Since working with Donna, I have rekindled my passion for writing and photography. I have made time for myself to develop these creative outlets. I have attended photography courses, have a website and I am selling my photos.

Using the tools I have learnt, I now know how to manifest, become appreciative of the synchronicity of the universe, establish a supporting cast, face my fears and ritualise my life to the place that I want to be.”

- Basil Stathoulis  

“Thank YOU Donna for this gift and tools you have given us – WOW!

I’m loving the process and how it is unfolding. Feeling empowered and excited and also scared sometimes, but only because IT IS HAPPENING and a part of me is afraid of getting what I want, but most of me is excited and delighted beyond words!!!!

Bless you, and I acknowledge you for your courage, dedication, perseverance, authenticity, the warmth, love and openness.”

- Giulia  Criscuolo  

Got Questions?

OR email us at magic@donnamccallum.com and we'll be happy to help.

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