The Gem Program with Donna McCallum
Increase Your Self-Esteem,
Self-Confidence and Self-Love
A Magical, Transformative 27 Day Journey to Rediscover YOU.
Increase Your
and Self-Love
A Magical, Transformative 27 Day Journey to Rediscover YOU.
Fulfilling your Potential, Deeply Satisfied with your Life and Experiencing daily doses of Joy and Magic?

Or are you currently shooting yourself in the foot?
(Shooting yourself in the foot is a very common problem! I promise.)

You have ideas, plans and goals for your life or career or business but you quit just at the point when you have to leap… 

You self-sabotage. You get frustrated. 

You talk yourself out of great opportunities and possibilities because you don't feel capable, worthy or like you deserve them. 

You doubt yourself and your own wisdom. Which leaves you thinking 'What the hell is wrong with me?' 

At times you decrease your expectations of yourself and your life. You get stuck in a rut. Not fully believing in yourself, your talents, your gifts, your work. 

And you keep thinking things like “Is this really it? Is this really my life?and “What’s wrong with me?” and you measure youself against others and feel even more deflated. 

Guess what... there's actually nothing wrong with you!
But the problem is - you’re looking for the answers to your dilemma “out there” in the external world.

 You’re craving the romantic partner / money / a dream job / a great body / new clothes / the promotion / a beautiful house / the awesome holiday / a child etc. etc.

You'll know you’re doing this if you have these kinds of thoughts: 

"When I have ……….(fill in the blank), then I’ll feel better / happy / fulfilled."
The Answer = It’s time to do the INNER Work. 
And the INNER work is to create a Kind, Gentle, Loving and Peaceful relationship with YOURSELF. 
Meet Your Guide
I’m here to guide you step-by-step on a magical, courage-building Journey of doing your INNER work. 
Since 2005 I’ve helped thousands of people in 45 countries with their Manifesting + Money + Magic so that they live their juciest, most abundant lives.

I run workshops, retreats, write books and facilitate online programs like The Gem to help women access their authentic power, live their dreams, create abundance and have fun doing it.

I’m here to support you in shifting out of the “struggle” that you’re currently experiencing and connect to the delight, magic and lightness that comes when you discover your inner Gem and fall in love with yourself.

It's time to connect to your
INNER Joy, Confidence, Fulfillment and Feeling Good.
Meet Your Guide -
I’m here to guide you step-by-step on a magical, courage-building Journey of doing your INNER work. 
Since 2005 I’ve helped thousands of people in 45 countries with their Manifesting + Money + Magic so that they live their juciest, most abundant lives.

I run workshops, retreats, write books and facilitate online programs like The Gem to help women access their authentic power, live their dreams, create abundance and have fun doing it.

I’m here to support you in shifting out of the “struggle” that you’re currently experiencing and connect to the delight, magic and lightness that comes when you discover your inner Gem and fall in love with yourself.

It's time to connect to your
INNER Joy, Confidence, Fulfillment and Feeling Good.
By the end of the Program, you will:
Increase your self-esteem and feel the buzz of increased confidence
Be connected to sustainable self-appreciation that will weather the ups and downs of life 
 Stop your self-sabotage 
Learn to use your emotions as an accurate compass to direct your life (rather than simply being on an emotional rollercoaster) 
Have shifted any shame and guilt that is keeping you trapped in old patterns 
Learn to nourish yourself at all levels – Body-Mind-Soul 
Create Healthy Boundaries – Learning to say “NO” in a safe, empowering way 
Have connected to your Inner Child – healing old hurts to make space for more love 
Be finding your Authentic Voice 
You will be facing Life's Challenges with Greater EASE & CONFIDENCE
You will be facing Life's Challenges with Greater EASE & CONFIDENCE
Daily Emails with all your GEM content
Daily Audios of the Content so you can listen while you're driving.
Exclusive Online Support Community
Guided Meditations
The Program starts on Tuesday 4 June and You'll receive a Daily Email for 27 days with all your GEM content and your exercise for the day – some days it’s a video to watch; or a meditation to listen to; or a written exercise or a practical exercise to apply to your life.

Everyday you spend 15 minutes reading  the email or listening to the audio and doing the exercise.

Everyday you can give feedback on the exercise, your thoughts and realisations on the Private Online Facebook Community and feel the loving support from the community of amazing women, just like you, who are all learning to discard their self-criticism, find their true voice and access their inner power and joy.
You can enjoy the full 27 Day Gem Program
- with LifeTime Access to the LIVE programs and my Coaching -
and have the exquisite experience of deepening YOUR Relationship with YOU...

... for the price of a 1-on-1 coaching session with a medium-level coach.
Most Flexible
Best Value
Monthly Payment:

2 x Monthly Payments of
$155 or R1555 per month

Once-Off Payment:

One Payment of
$297 or R 2997

Registration closes on Tuesday 4 June at 7pm UK time.
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Most Flexible
Monthly Payment:

2 x Monthly Payments of
$155 or R1555 per month

Best Value
Once-Off Payment:

One Payment of
$297 or R 2997

Registration closes on Tuesday 4 June at 7pm UK time...
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I’m really enjoying this journey! 
"I am really enjoying this journey. I get so excited for the daily mails and really have to hold back reading them until I get home from work. I thoroughly enjoy the exercises and I love the feedback and support on Facebook."

- Sian Bran

I’ve never celebrated myself before… now I can say “well done to me!”
I'm so grateful for this course. Since I have been here l have really understood what loving me means. I have never celebrated myself before because I always felt I could do better. This morning I’m pleased with myself. My article is out. I'm also featured in another newspaper and I can truly say “well done to me.”

- Busi Selesho

I’m not judging myself so harshly…
I have leaned to accept myself for who I am and not judge myself so harshly, to be loving to myself just as I would be to others. I love the spirit within. Thank you Donna McCallum, your little courses always surprise me with their intensity and realization. Thank you for the Love.

- Lizelle Grobelaar 

I’m really enjoying this journey! 
"I am really enjoying this journey. I get so excited for the daily mails and really have to hold back reading them until I get home from work. I thoroughly enjoy the exercises and I love the feedback and support on Facebook."

- Sian Bran

I’ve never celebrated myself before… now I can say “well done to me!”
I'm so grateful for this course. Since I have been here l have really understood what loving me means. I have never celebrated myself before because I always felt I could do better. This morning I’m pleased with myself. My article is out. I'm also featured in another newspaper and I can truly say “well done to me.”

- Busi Selesho

I’m not judging myself so harshly…
I have leaned to accept myself for who I am and not judge myself so harshly, to be loving to myself just as I would be to others. I love the spirit within. Thank you Donna McCallum, your little courses always surprise me with their intensity and realization. Thank you for the Love.

- Lizelle Grobelaar 

Join The Gem Program Now
The Program Starts on Tuesday 4 June and runs until Monday 1 July
Special BONUS
4 x LIVE 90 minute Q&A Webinars with Donna McCallum during the 27 day Program.
Value = $200

Join now for this Gem Program, and you will receive a Special Bonus of 4 x LIVE 90 minute Coaching webinars with me, Donna McCallum, on  Wednesday 5 June, Thursday 13 June, Monday 24 June and Monday 1 July –  I’ll be answering your questions and coaching you through any of your blocks and creating even greater shifts.
I’ve been trying to please others – and that sent my life “off the rails” 
 Thank you Fairy Godmother for creating such a wonderful program. It was easy to follow and although I know some of it already (wisdom in me) I was moved by the way the modules work off layer by layer of the every day stuff we 'pack' around us instead of reaching within. It made me realise that what is 'off the rails' in my life is from not nurturing myself and from trying to please others. I feel shiny, bright and beautiful!

- Alma Horn 

I feel more free… I’m now having deeply connected conversations
It's been a fantastic 3 weeks and I agree the best group I have shared with online. Many thanks to everyone for your shares and vulnerability. I have had so many amazing insights from your posts. The things I learned and take away from this program are how shame loses its power when I share about it. I feel more free. It was the starting point of many deeply connected conversations. The other learning is to transform my inner dialog to one of kindness, encouragement and love. Throughout the day I keep on reminding myself to treat myself like a child/daughter. I also have been practicing accepting with love. Thanks Donna for putting together this programme and for your amazing coaching

- Marion Ancker

Deeper Appreciation for my Body
I definitely have a deeper appreciation for my body. I feel a lot more accepting of the way it looks and I love my body, because it really does serve me every day. Another extremely powerful insight was that as bad as I thought I was, as much as I beat myself up for my mistakes and looked at myself critically, I realised we are all the same. We all feel this way. We portray a strength to the world because we have to, but under it all, we are all the same, and realising that, I am now trying to use that to treat others and myself more kindly, more gently and with more love and empathy. Donna - Thank you so much for designing this programme and for helping us to realise our inner beauty and GEM. It has been a wonderfully enriching experience.

- Athenea Mills

I’ve been trying to please others – and that sent my life “off the rails” 
 Thank you Fairy Godmother for creating such a wonderful program. It was easy to follow and although I know some of it already (wisdom in me) I was moved by the way the modules work off layer by layer of the every day stuff we 'pack' around us instead of reaching within. It made me realise that what is 'off the rails' in my life is from not nurturing myself and from trying to please others. I feel shiny, bright and beautiful!

- Alma Horn 

I feel more free… I’m now having deeply connected conversations
It's been a fantastic 3 weeks and I agree the best group I have shared with online. Many thanks to everyone for your shares and vulnerability. I have had so many amazing insights from your posts. The things I learned and take away from this program are how shame loses its power when I share about it. I feel more free. It was the starting point of many deeply connected conversations. The other learning is to transform my inner dialog to one of kindness, encouragement and love. Throughout the day I keep on reminding myself to treat myself like a child/daughter. I also have been practicing accepting with love. Thanks Donna for putting together this programme and for your amazing coaching

- Marion Ancker

Deeper Appreciation for my Body
I definitely have a deeper appreciation for my body. I feel a lot more accepting of the way it looks and I love my body, because it really does serve me every day. Another extremely powerful insight was that as bad as I thought I was, as much as I beat myself up for my mistakes and looked at myself critically, I realised we are all the same. We all feel this way. We portray a strength to the world because we have to, but under it all, we are all the same, and realising that, I am now trying to use that to treat others and myself more kindly, more gently and with more love and empathy. Donna - Thank you so much for designing this programme and for helping us to realise our inner beauty and GEM. It has been a wonderfully enriching experience.

- Athenea Mills

Lifetime Access to The Gem Community
You’ll participate in this 27 Day program and go through all of the shifts and changes AND after the 27 days you will remain a lifetime member of the Gem Community.

You’ll be connected to the exclusive Facebook Group and you’ll be able to tap into this community at any time, you’ll support others on their journeys and also be reminded of the content and the lessons whenever anyone else is having a-ha’s and insights.

When we run the Gem as a group program (usually once every 2 years), you’ll be able to follow along again to deepen your realisations, insights and deepen your falling in love with you! 

It’s all part of ensuring that the shifts you create through the Gem are sustainable and long lasting. 

Lifetime Access to The Gem Community
You’ll participate in this 27 Day program and go through all of the shifts and changes AND after the 27 days you will remain a lifetime member of the Gem Community.

You’ll be connected to the exclusive Facebook Group and you’ll be able to tap into this community at any time, you’ll support others on their journeys and also be reminded of the content and the lessons whenever anyone else is having a-ha’s and insights.

When we run the Gem as a group program (usually once every  2 years), you’ll be able to follow along again to deepen your realisations, insights and deepen your falling in love with you! 

It’s all part of ensuring that the shifts you create through the Gem are sustainable and long lasting. 

Join The Gem Program Now
The Program Starts on Tuesday 4 June and runs until Monday 1 July
What Previous Students say about their Gem Experience...
(Note: this program was originally a 21 day program when it started in 2013 and was updated into a 27 day program.)
Divider Text
Most Flexible
Best Value
Monthly Payment:

2 x Monthly Payments of
$155 or R1555 per month

Once-Off Payment:

One Payment of
$297 or R 2997

Registration closes on Tuesday 4 June at 7pm UK time.
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Most Flexible
Monthly Payment:

2 x Monthly Payments of
$155 or R1555 per month

Best Value
Once-Off Payment:

One Payment of
$297 or R 2997

Registration closes on Tuesday 4 June at 7pm UK time...
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